A few links to people who are thinking pink. Should You Shop Pink This October? — is buying pink stuff the best way to use your money? Dawn @ Coming to a Nursery Near You — the right response to pink, be inspired to make an appointment with your doctor! Jack Martin Leith — men […]
UNSW is Pink for October
As I made my way around the University of New South Wales last Monday night I noticed that things were a little pinker than usual.
2 Timothy 2
At bible study a few weeks ago we were finishing looking at 2 Timothy. We were having some solo time to go over the book and see what we could summarise from it. Sadly, I missed about half of the studies from 2 Timothy and only got to the end of chapter 2 when I […]
Pink for October 2008!
It’s the 1st of October. Accordingly, I have made my blog a little pinker! The purpose of the pink this month is to raise awareness of breast cancer related issues, encourage support for research, and support breast cancer patients and their families. For the start of this pink month cast your peepers over some of […]
Small successes
I started reading a book about usability in interface design for software engineers. It’s targeted (obviously) at software engineers, but it’s got a lot to contribute for anyone who needs to design something for other people to use. There was one sentence in particular that made me not only think “that is so true!”, but […]
Clickable tags for WordPress
Writing posts in WordPress, I got sick of trying to remember what tags I had already created and which ones applied to the post I was writing. Maybe you know the feeling?