This week I released Exifography 1.1 (Yay! Woohoo!) Exifography is a rewrite of Thesography, my WordPress plugin, which displays EXIF data for photographs that have been uploaded to WordPress and enables the import of location (and a few other) EXIF. I was pretty excited about this rewrite. It was something I had been meaning to […]
5 questions to ask a Thesis designer
This article is targeted at users looking for a designer/developer, but if you’re a designer or developer feel free to take a look and make sure you’re giving your clients the best Thesis experience they can have.
Thesis Squeeze and Landing Pages
Thesis 1.8 has lots of great new features, but one of the less publicised ones is the range of filters that has been extended. These filters make it possible to customise even more of Thesis’ output without modifying core files. Previously, squeeze pages or landing pages that varied significantly from the rest of your site’s […]
Position Your Thesis Nav
I’ve been asked this several times, so I figured it’s high time to write a tutorial on it: how to position your Thesis navigation next to your site title. Essentially this tutorial is about the CSS position property more than anything else.
Page specific headers in Thesis
I’ve done several posts about Thesis headers before: Thesis full-width headers, Full-width headers in Thesis 1.5 and CSS Custom Headers. All of those lead you in the same general direction: a single custom header for your blog. I recently got asked for step-by-step instructions on how to specify different headers on specific pages. So, I’m […]
What is the Thesis full-width framework?
As promised, here is a screencast demonstrating what the full-width framework in Thesis is (best viewed full-screen). This demonstration assumes some basic XHTML and CSS knowledge. If you’re not familiar with those, I recommend and W3Schools. Yeah, I’ve had a bit of a cold, so forgive me for sounding a bit stuffy. 😉