I’ve spent a bit of time on my websites over the last few weeks. It was partly instigated by my deleting some themes on my server that I thought weren’t in use, but actually were! :O Of course I had backups, but when I restored them they didn’t work immediately, and rather than fluff about […]
Add location to Jetpack Carousel
Update Jan 2015: Unfortunately the filter used to add extra meta to Jetpack was removed from the Jetpack plugin in Feb 2014, so until the filter is added back in there is no simple way to do this anymore. I received a good question regarding Exifography in the WordPress support forums: can you add location […]
Add EXIF to WordPress gallery image titles
My Exifography plugin provides different ways for users to display EXIF data for their images in WordPress. One of the ways people like to show EXIF is within the image title, like Sam does on daily dose of imagery. This allows the EXIF to show up in a tooltip when hovering over the image, or […]
Filtering Exifography output
This week I released Exifography 1.1 (Yay! Woohoo!) Exifography is a rewrite of Thesography, my WordPress plugin, which displays EXIF data for photographs that have been uploaded to WordPress and enables the import of location (and a few other) EXIF. I was pretty excited about this rewrite. It was something I had been meaning to […]
Popup EXIF display with Thesography and jQuery
I received a request to make Thesography display EXIF upon hover over an image instead of just displaying as more text in the post. While I won’t include that kind of function in the plugin at this time (because I’m not sure how best to do it while maintaining a good amount of flexibility), I […]