Before you go getting worried, no, I wasn’t in a car crash. The crash was just down the road. I heard the squeal of brakes and crunch of metal, I quickly changed out of my pyjamas into something resembling clothes and went outside to check it out.
I can’t quite figure out how the car ended up on its side. Must have been scary for the driver, but I don’t think anyone was badly hurt.
I never get really good photos at crashes because I always feel a bit dodgy taking photos, even though I have the right to in a public area.
I didn’t check the ISO, which was on 400, so the photos are much noisier than they needed to be.
Lee says
Whoa! to flip the car onto it’s side it must’ve hit at the absolute right angle (or wrong I suppose)
kristarella says
Yeah, just the “right” one I guess. It’s pretty amazing because apart from being on its side, the damage to the cars looks pretty minimal.
Sire says
Makes you wonder where the car was hit as there is no damage fro the rear or side that I can see. Are you sure it wasn’t a woman attempting a parallel park?
Mark says
This is how it starts. Before you know it you’ll be driving around town listening to the police scanner on the hunt for the next big headline grabbing photo op. π
What kind of camera are you using?
David Airey says
Just another Sunday drive, eh? Phew.
David Airey says
Off-topic (sorry), I notice you’re getting the same code error on single posts due to the WP Ajax Edit Comments plugin. Goes a little something like this:
/* */
I’ve disabled the plugin until it’s resolved. Any idea what might be happening?
Matt says
Two things I notice in your photos;
1. It happened outside of a mechanics…. just saying…
2. It was a Volvo that ‘likely’ caused it.
kristarella says
Sire, you crack me up! That would be one hell of a parallel park π
Mark, I would love to have the time to hunt down photo opportunities! Probably not with the police scanner though. I always feel like cops will jump down your throat for taking photographs.
I’m using a Nikon D50. 50mm Nikkor lens. To be honest, I’m surprised at the poor quality of these images. The 50mm is usually a lot sharper, but I guess I don’t usually crop all the way down, which is what I did for these.
David, I actually can’t see the problem with the plugin… Can you take a screenshot? I’ve noticed that it takes a while to load, but apart from that it seems okay.
Matt, glad you noticed. I thought it was pretty funny that it was outside a mechanics as well (although I wasn’t insinuating anything!). Heh, I didn’t even notice that it was a Volvo.
I just remembered that the right indicator of the flipped car was going… Maybe it turned right into the Volvo? Gah, who knows…
David Airey says
The error code can only be seen by viewing the source code (it’s near the top). Besides its appearing in the source, I don’t think there are any ‘side effects’, so it’s no big deal as far as I’m aware.
Sire says
I still reckon it was a woman who tried to parallel park at speed and she clipped the poor Volvo in the attempt. π
LaurenMarie - Creative Curio says
Ooo, this makes my neck hurt! I’ve been in no less than 5 different car accidents, none my fault. 3 rear ends, one overturn (that was scary) and a side-swipe.
I like to keep the photo of the car from the overturn around because it reminds me to be thankful that God is protecting me. I didn’t have my seatbelt on (and before you chastise me for that, I was putting it on as my friend who was driving, was just pulling away from the curb when the accident happened) and my window was rolled all the way down. We rolled on my side, too, so it would’ve been so easy for my arm or my whole self to have been flung out the window. Yikes.
Crazy drivers! Glad no one was hurt in this accident–and more glad that it wasn’t you, Kris!
Gio says
As unfortunate as this was for the drivers involved (good thing it wasn’t worse, though), I was a little amused by the lady peeking out in the second picture.
kristarella says
David, is that actually a code error or is it specifying responses for when someone editing a comment gets an error?
LaurenMarie, woah. That’s a lot of car incidents. The turning over one sounds scary. Great that you could be encouraged toward God through them though!
Gio, heh – it’s pretty hard to tell in the photos if someone is looking at me or just looking out. I like to think they weren’t looking at me! I was taking the photos from the hip (so to speak)… I didn’t want to look too conspicuous!