This story in the British Times is just crazy! This so called friend is just selfish and this situation is a classic example of shooting fish. This woman is foolish, but you have to feel bad for her vulnerability. It is just bizarre that a court can find breaking a murder contract (even a verbal […]
Mundane vs. Just plain odd
Today was a strange day. It started out well; we got up, we were running a bit late because my hubby couldn’t find his umbrella and it was raining out. We somehow managed to get on the express train to the city despite it already being at the platform when we arrived at the station. […]
There is a spiffy site called Blogthings that has quizes and random type things that you can post on your blog. The following results are from a quiz that is nicely accurate – although I doubt it’s very hard to take a sentence and apply it to three million people. How You Life Your Life […]
Build your own story
Okay, I don’t know if this is going to work because there are potentially only three people who check this blog (that I’m aware of anyway). What we’re going to do is I’m going to write a couple of sentences to start the story and then in the comments bit you write the next couple […]
Now with 5% real fruit juice!
Sometimes of an evening I can get very thirsty and water just won’t suffice; I need some sugar replenishment as well. Often this will be done with fruit juice, sometimes with soda. Last night, as there was no juice in the fridge and the only sugary drink was Fanta, that’s what I had. I didn’t […]
We have a cool card game called Set. You can play the game by yourself or with others. The standard rules are to simply find as many sets in a 4×3 layout of cards as you can. They are not just ordinary playing cards; they are cards that have either one, two or three of […]