Nerd alert: I’m posting this in case anyone finds themselves with the same issue and needs a fix; if you don’t care about databases feel free to skip this one 🤓 For a recent post I wanted to use an emoji. I also wanted to use emojis in a post ages ago and wasn’t able to… […]
The 2017 plan
– I have part of a plan – What percentage of a plan do you have? – I dunno… Twelve percent? Guardians of the Galaxy So this isn’t much of a plan right now, but something made me not want to use the words resolutions or goals; resolutions just get broken, but I guess these are […]
My 2016
Last year was a pretty big year for me, including more travelling than I’ve ever done, more WordCamps, heaps of knitting and crochet, one bunny died and a we adopted a new bunny to be friends with our remaining rabbit. Nearly every month I ran and/or attended WordPress meetups in Sydney, in the CBD and north […]
Automattic Grand Meetup 2016
The GM Each year (nearly) everyone at Automattic gets together for the Grand Meetup (GM). The GM is essentially a company retreat. We work, we train, we develop, we discuss, we play, we eat, we drink… it’s an amazing time of getting to know each other better and working and planning towards better products and better […]
Farewell Kaylee Rabbit
I thought that today I would spend time reflecting on and writing about the Automattic Grand Meetup, from which I’ve just returned. It’s the one time in the year that all of Automattic gets together to train, develop, discuss, and party. However, that reflection will have to wait as I have something closer to my […]
Český Krumlov
On my trip to WordCamp Europe, via Prague, I got to go on a tour to Český Krumlov. It was fantastic! Český Krumlov is a town to the South-West of Czech Republic, which is famous for its castle. The castle began being built by the Lords of Krumlov in 1253, giving the oldest parts of […]