Common among young people and people from the upper middle class. It is often characterised by phrases such as “Just to be safe.” or “It’ll be fine.”, and is accompanied by a false sense of security. This syndrome is very difficult to detect. Many will go their whole lives without the symptoms being exposed for what they are. It’s suspected that even an awareness of having the syndrome will dissipate over time, causing sufferers to stop taking precautions. Such activity makes it more likely for the symptoms to flare up at inopportune times.
I had a flare up of Itllnevahappentome Syndrome today. I think it was mainly because of a choice between two evils. Saying “It will be fine.” or asking the scary exam supervisor if I should put my bag inside. He seemed like a strict man; Chinese, making people show their student cards before entering the exam room, telling people to go to the toilet before they came in… So despite having kept my bag inside the exam room for my previous two exams (note that it wasn’t in there for my first exam) I decided that it would be okay to leave it in the hallway.
When I finished the exam, which was as expected (pretty dodgy), I came out to find only my umbrella. That was a shock and a half, my bag was no where to be seen. I looked everywhere I could, until someone asked if it was my bag that was past the doors and around the corner. It was! Immediately I checked for my MacBook, which was still there! The relief was fantastic, and it was before I’d gotten to that crying point in the search too. As I was putting my wallet in my bag I realised I couldn’t see my phone in there. That was gone. Then I realised that I couldn’t see much of anything in there. My Oakley sunglasses, iPod nano, power-pack for the MacBook, iPod usb cable, mobile phone usb cable (I think), my usb key (I only just realised – hope they have fun with that whole 64MB!), and my pencil case are all gone. Never to be seen again I’m sure.
To be honest, the relief that I still have my computer is somewhat overwhelming. It’s a bit sad that they’re probably going to throw away my funky pencil case when they realise it only contains a red pen and two permanent markers. The phone battery was getting fairly poor, I doubt they’ll get much for it. The iPod is in good nick, so I guess they’ll be happy about that and I’ll miss my over-the-ear headphones.
What a weird day. I must try to remember that I have Itllnevahappentome Syndrome. I wonder if there’s something I can take for that.