I had some data from a lab that wanted to graph with two different y-axes. It’s not too difficult an idea to picture in your head, you see the data had incredibly different scales (a maximum of 70 vs. 5), but I don’t know if Excel can do it. Since I was using NeoOffice, not Excel, and I’m quite sure NeoOffice doesn’t do it I wasn’t quite sure where to turn.
I tried to use gnuplot, a command line graphing tool that hubby uses. I’m pretty much a complete command line noob, apart from my ability to use sudo I have no clue. I did a quick search just now and stumbled across Plot, why this didn’t come up in previous searches I don’t know. It’s great! It seems to function in a similar way to gnuplot but it has a user interface. It makes really clean graphs and I’m so excited that I found it and got it working after labouring over gnuplot for hours. I just imported my text file with my data, double clicked around the data screen for a while to figured out how to change the data axis and voila, graph! Then it’s just too easy to add titles and labels and legends and change the style of the lines and points.
That’s two great pieces of software in one day! How spoilt can a girl get? I suppose she could get a birthday present as well… wait a minute, I did!
Update: Just realised that I found Plot via iusethis mac software, good place to search for decent OS X software.