Some thing have been good recently and some things have been just great. You can hear that sarcasm right?
I thought I broke my toe at karate on Friday night. This ended up not being so bad because it’s already feeling a fair bit better maybe it wasn’t really broken.
It turns out that some browsers don’t render my blog individual pages properly (the ones you comment on). This sucks because the front page is fine and I can’t find the difference between them, not a problem causing difference anyway. This too had its silver lining – I went back and fixed some validation problems that I previously ignored because they were caused by a plugin – therefore, not my fault. Suddenly I realised I was capable of fixing them without breaking the plugin, and I did. 😀
Spam keeps getting through on my photoblog, it’s really, extremely annoying. I’m going to have to do something to stop it because Akismet just isn’t working anymore. I just tried to install a no-spam hack and typically, after following the instructions to the best of my ability, the comment form has completely disappeared.
Yesterday was my Dad’s birthday. 60 years old! It was good to have lunch with them and see his photos from France and Germany. Alas, it took us twice the usual time to get home due to traffic and we missed church. That doesn’t really have a silver lining, unless you count watching Superman Returns but I think I would have rather have heard the sermon, I can watch Superman Returns any time.
It was the first time I watched it, it was pretty good, the effects were good and the acting was alright. I’m not sure about the writing and directing though to be honest, maybe just for Lois Lane. in the original movies Lois is sassy and tenacious, you can kind of see why Superman/Clarke would like her. In this one she was really just rude and self-involved. You can understand that she’d be annoyed when Superman disappeared for five years, but they didn’t develop the character much further. It’s an enjoyable film all the same.
I managed to update my Address Book on my Mac with the Blackbook that hubby has been building. It was pretty easy, with Address Book being able to import tab-delimited and comma-spaced files. I then was able to sync all the info with my phone. All of a sudden I’m able to sync my calendar to my phone as well. I haven’t yet figured out how to export from address book as a text file, the program seems to be great at syncronising with other things and importing things but after that it because a bit of an information hog.
My unit stinks. We had some trash by the door to take out to the bins and it seems to have been the extra stinky kind because the bags have been gone for hours and the place still smells. :tight: