Bother! I just wrote this post and my stupid browser at work crashed. This computer is very bad and the network is pretty dodgy too.
So I was talking about how I love Google. They do cool things and make it available to the public FOR FREE! I was a bit excited by their calculator feature yesterday but I was very excited this morning when I found that they have an RSS feed reader! Sadly they own Blogger, I would have thought it might be a bit more reliable from them! Although they didn’t start it so maybe that’s the problem 😛
From what I can see Google Reader has fewer customisable features than Bloglines, which I’m currently using. It does allow you to read posts individually and displays each one as new so when I haven’t had time to read blogs for a week or more I don’t have to come back to a daunting number of posts and have to mark each one that I don’t get a chance to read as new. It allows you to mark one as new in case you want to come back to it. You can add labels to whole subscriptions or just individual posts so it makes it easier to find if you want to find it again. You can even add a “star” to something if it’s really special!
This tutorial has more on using Google Reader and its features. I plan on watching it when I get home, and having a more thorough look at Google Reader on my faster computer and internet at home. This project from Google labs is in its baby stages I think, well perhaps infant stages. Hopefully soon it will be growing up into toddler or even school age!