I feel the need for a little positive rant about my web host NearlyFreeSpeech.net.
I’ve been using them since 2006 and their service has been excellent. You only pay for what you use, at low rates too. Their support service is quick and friendly. They support a wide range of software. They don’t make many of the demands that other shared servers do (such as limiting the number of domains or mySQL databases you can have).
As of February 1st bandwidth costs have gone down! Previously the cost was $1/GB. Now it’s $1 for the first GB and the cost decreases incrementally from there.
They made a brave move last year when they moved to bigger and better server space. Instead of moving incrementally, trying to keep everything online and potentially causing weeks of problems. They decided to take everything offline for one day (the original plan was eight hours) and move in one hit. Hopefully minimising the individual problems that moving might cause. They put up a note on all their hosted sites explaining why they were down and they had everything back up and running in a little over a day.
Since they did it recently I doubt they’ll be doing anything like that for a while, but I thought it was a brave and wise move. The whole thing was done with what I think was a minimum of problems and a great deal of patience.
If you’re looking for web hosting, or are unhappy with your own, I thoroughly recommend them.