To display a map showing the location your photo was taken, you need an API key. I found this process less than straight forward, so I’m giving a brief description of all the steps you need to complete to get a map displaying with Exifography.
If you’ve never done anything with Google cloud before, then there may be more steps before this, but hopefully you have a Google account and the first link will just need you to log in to it!
- Create a project in Google Cloud Console
- Make sure you have a billing account
- Enable billing on your project
There is a certain amount of free usage for Google maps, but billing must be enabled to use this. You can set up alerts to avoid overspending. - Enable Static Maps API for your project
- Create an API key
It is a good idea to restrict the key to your website’s URL to avoid unauthorised use. - Paste API key in Exifography settings page
Failure to complete any of those steps will result in a broken image instead of the map.
Good luck!